22 May RISE 2016 – The Hong Kong International Tech Conference
RISE 2016 promises to be one of the top tech conferences of this year and Syenap is going to be there! This event has been brought to you by the same team that made such a big hit with Web Summit in Europe. With speakers from some of the top tech companies across the world, this is one conference that IT companies and start-ups will want to be at.
The whole idea is that attendees have a fantastic opportunity to spend time with entrepreneurs that have built big business. Attendees will be treated to insights from the likes of Microsoft, Facebook and Twitter offering their best speakers, while media coverage will be handled by Bloomberg, Wired, Forbes and The Financial Times.
RISE is essentially going to be a boot camp for budding entrepreneurs, investors, businesses and start-ups. Bringing them all together, so they can share their experience, give advice and network with like-minded people. Essentially it opens up the possibly for start-ups and growing businesses to pick up a few venture capital deals to kick start their business, not to mention the mentorship and experience they could both gain and impart.
Investors will have the opportunity to look for start-ups with some real potential, and a promise of a good return considering the vast array of highly talented and unique offerings, and to top it all off, media coverage to showcase all of it to the rest of the world. The conference covers a broad spectrum of topics that all fit within the digital world we live in today. You’ll be able to learn more about the future of E-commerce, and gain a better understanding of how the enterprise has changed over the last few years; especially when you consider the full impact of living in a digital age.
Guest speakers (many of the best and most successful tech pioneers the world has to offer) will be trying to answer questions like “how soon can we expect connected cars?”, or “how secure are your devices if they are all connected?” They’ll even be considering the possibilities of “smart” cities and whether or not they can be achieved realistically in the near future. You can take a deeper look at the on-demand economy and how it will affect industries across the board.
Syenap’s own pioneers, Kerry Nel (COO) and Elad Segev (CEO), will be attending this year’s event. Having been given the prestigious opportunity to participate in RISE’s Pitch program. Pitch is one of the main reasons why startups are attending this prestigious event. Syenap will present their products to an audience of investors and a panel of judges, to showcase themselves against other international businesses and start-ups. Pitch winners will win an all-expenses paid trip to the Web Summit in Lisbon Later this year, where they will once again get to showcase their work on an international level.
All attendees have the opportunity to access to the exhibition floor and are welcome to contact other attendees during the event. You can enquire about the VIP Networking Lounge and the Speakers Lounge should you wish to gain additional access at the conference.
The conference starts on the 31st of May and runs through until the 2nd of June. Syenap is looking forward to seeing your there!
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